Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Reflections on S Korea

I have been so bad at keeping up with my blog. But I have put it into my schedule and it will be my goal to blog at least once a week.
So I have been back for about a month or so from S. Korea and have had some time to dial down and reflect on my recent trip to South Korea. If you did not already know, I traveled to S. Korea to lead worship for a Bridal Paradigm conference. The teaching focus was primarily on Jesus as the Bridegroom and the church as the bride of Christ. It's a very simple reality but once you understand it you will be emboldened in love for Jesus and you will live differently because of this reality. It's great. My main role in the trip was leading worship for the sessions of which there were 2-3 a day for 8 days.
*side note* i learned about 10 songs in S Korean! I loved it!

Here are some things I took away from my trip:

1. The Korean's know how to worship Jesus..period. I was struck with how they received the preaching of the Word, worshiped Jesus through music, and loved one another (and me too.) I've never seen a room so engaged in any of these arenas much less in all of them! I want to be more like them. If I feel like I've heard a teaching before I usually check out. That's so messed up. The Word of the Lord is living and active and is always fresh! And even better the Holy Spirit will always remind/teach us if we are open to it. Bottom line, I need to worship like a Korean. ha.

2. They loved well. They lavished their love on us throughout the week and for me it all culminated in the last day. They gave me a box of 12 packs of these little throat lozenges that I loved. They noticed that I loved them earlier in the trip (by my consumption!) and wanted to bless me. I began to weep because I felt the Love of the Lord by this gesture. I can't really explain it and I'm even tearing up right now... But these people exude the Love of Jesus.

3. Prayer. They have paved the way for the rest of us in the place of prayer. We met an intercessory team that had been praying for this conference for months prior to the trip, every morning they meet as a church to pray (this is common in all S. Korean church's), Head Pastors are known to pray for hours a day. I am challenged even as I return to KC to press in to prayer and commune with the Lord even around my home.

4. Their food was so good! I have never eaten such quality food in my life. Mostly vegetables, rice, seafood, beef and yes.. yes.. dog. Besides the dog the food was all so healthy and even after eating a big meal I did not feel like I was stuffed. Crazy. I probably can't prove it but I believe the healthy diet is why Koreans usually look roughly 10 years younger than they are. (that is a good stereotype!)

All in all our trip was a success. I witnessed healing of headaches, disc issues, and even cancer. I fell in love with the people there and greatly desire to return. There is something about worshiping with people of different language.. You would think that it would be hard to do but it's not. You enter right in and feel a connection with them. It's because we worship the same Jesus. Though we do not speak the same language our hearts unite as we worship Jesus...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

i love my job pt. 1

I've decided to follow suit with all the church's in our nation and do a 3 part series.. only this is on my job.  hope you enjoy!

i love my job. really i do!

So sometimes people will ask me: "what do you do for a living?"  This is a crazy thing for me to answer because most people in the world have no grid for what I do.  
The easy answer is "I'm a musician" the other is "i'm a worship leader, and still the most difficult answer is "I'm an intercessory missionary."  With that one I usually get a blank stare and then have to explain what that entails.  I kind of knew it would be foreign to the world but have found that even in the body of Christ there is no grid for this occupation and not much value is placed on it.  
So i figured this would be a good context to lay out what i do.  
A typical wednesday in my life looks like this:
-I wake up at 4:30 in the morning to prepare for my day.  This means that I need to be disciplined to go to bed on time (does not always happen.)  
-Lead a 6am worship set (2hrs) on Tim Reihmerr's worship team. (they are amazing!)
-I then sit before the Lord until around 2pm.  
-includes intercession (praying for our nation, life issues, mercy, etc.)
-also includes meditation on the Word.
-I then return home where i practice my instrument, do some more reading, some home chores and hang out with my wife (Betty) and our puppy (Bella).  
All in all i spend 50 hours a week in the prayer room split between worship sets (service hrs) and prayer room time (intecession and meditation)

That's short i know but i wanted to give you all a small taste of what my life looks like.  The next 2 parts will come soon to a blog near you (this one!)

Monday, May 11, 2009

God gave me a car.

So it's been a while since i created this blog and I just need to make sure i keep up with this.  can yall hold me accountable?  Thanks!  
This insert is just a little testimony to the goodness of the Lord.  

So I am a full time missionary and soon after joining staff here at IHOP-KC i sold my new truck (so hard to do.. i loved that beast.) I felt at the time that it was necessary considering the income i was pulling in. Plus i only lived a mile from the missions base so I would walk there or get a ride with one of my roomies.  About 6 months (this is 2 years ago) into being on staff here I began asking for a car from the Lord.  I knew it was a big item but i felt that He could handle it.. After all He owns everything.  A little after this I heard the Lord say He would give me one.  I thought "sweet!"  

1 year passed and still no car.  So I figured i would buy my own car (credit) from a friend and pay him back.  I found out soon that this was a big mistake. 1. because of the credit and 2 because the Lord already had told me he was going to give me a car. I decided not to trust HIM!  I ended up selling the car and paying my friend back.  And now 2 years later my best supporter (my mom) gives me 1k to buy a car (specifically.)  I think "this is great You gave me a car Lord!  Now all i have to do is find one.  So like any good shopper i went to craigslist and began the search.  After one month I had a taken 3 test drives, 2 awesome deals fell through my fingers and still no car.  At this point I had looked at every car in the greater Kansas City area that was under 1500.  So i bumped my search up to $3000 just to see what else was out there.  
I came across this sweet subaru 1998 outback with 140k miles on it.  It was worth 4500 but he was only asking 2800.  And of course I emailed him explaining i was a missionary who needed a car and a supporter gave me $1000 for one.  I then asked if he would take it.  
His response after talking with him on the phone was this:
"I talked with my wife and we think you should keep the 1k for repairs it may need and we want to give it to  you."  
I can't describe the emotions I felt as that prayer that i prayed for 2 years was answered.  He is so faithful and His timing is perfect.   

It's so easy to forget that the Father is our provider.  For some of us it's due to our huge paycheck for others we feel like we never see His provision.  But if we could grasp the reality in Matthew 6 that as we seek Him He will take care of our needs (physical, spiritual etc..) we would maybe not work so hard, spend more time with Him, not be in debt, etc..  Plus it is so much fun to trust Him and see His provision and it awakens even more love in our hearts for Him... 
I am continually asking for an increase of faith to believe for His provision and a grace to give generously to missions and the poor (this is key.)  I have so much room for growth in this it's ridiculous.  

So here is your assignment.  Hah!  If you want to that is.  
Ask the Lord for something you need.  See if He wont come through and blow your mind with His ways.  And then tell me about it.  
Here is a list of items and ways He gave them to me just in the last 3 weeks:
-shoes (korean friend)
-designer jeans (korean friend)
-laptop (friend and co-worker)
-car (guy off craigslist)
how cool is that?

Monday, March 30, 2009

the first of many

I have always thought that Blogging was kind of weird but here I am now feeling like I should give it a go. I feel like maybe it will help me recap through the previous events and hopefully help me keep in touch with friends and family. I know it's so easy now with facebook but this seems like a good place to work at it too.

So I will be doing a weekly blog that recaps the past week. Every once in a while maybe even a couple times throughout the week. I want to get in the habit of putting my thoughts down. This will have updates on Betty and I as well as random rants I am sure. Nonetheless it will be fun for you I promise. If anyone knows how to make this page look sweet please fill me in. I am not good at all that web decorating and stuff. This is all for now.
Ryan Kondo