Tuesday, June 2, 2009

i love my job pt. 1

I've decided to follow suit with all the church's in our nation and do a 3 part series.. only this is on my job.  hope you enjoy!

i love my job. really i do!

So sometimes people will ask me: "what do you do for a living?"  This is a crazy thing for me to answer because most people in the world have no grid for what I do.  
The easy answer is "I'm a musician" the other is "i'm a worship leader, and still the most difficult answer is "I'm an intercessory missionary."  With that one I usually get a blank stare and then have to explain what that entails.  I kind of knew it would be foreign to the world but have found that even in the body of Christ there is no grid for this occupation and not much value is placed on it.  
So i figured this would be a good context to lay out what i do.  
A typical wednesday in my life looks like this:
-I wake up at 4:30 in the morning to prepare for my day.  This means that I need to be disciplined to go to bed on time (does not always happen.)  
-Lead a 6am worship set (2hrs) on Tim Reihmerr's worship team. (they are amazing!)
-I then sit before the Lord until around 2pm.  
-includes intercession (praying for our nation, life issues, mercy, etc.)
-also includes meditation on the Word.
-I then return home where i practice my instrument, do some more reading, some home chores and hang out with my wife (Betty) and our puppy (Bella).  
All in all i spend 50 hours a week in the prayer room split between worship sets (service hrs) and prayer room time (intecession and meditation)

That's short i know but i wanted to give you all a small taste of what my life looks like.  The next 2 parts will come soon to a blog near you (this one!)

1 comment:

  1. I love your job too. It sounds great. Good to know that this service to our nation and our world is being provided. I am looking forward to parts 2 and 3.
